“Let your child's true colours shine”
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Importance of Social-Emotional Skills
Research has shown that early social-emotional skills are related to how socially, emotionally, academically and professionally skilled we are later in life. For example, having higher social-emotional skills prior to school age is associated with long-term:
Educational success, such as completing high school and even a university degree.
Career success, such as an increased likelihood of being employed and having job satisfaction.
Financial success, such as being financially independent and reduced 'bad debt'.
Relationship success, such as having long-term fulfilling relationships with friends and families.
Improved physical and mental health.
Reduced likelihood of welfare dependence, homelessness, drug abuse and criminality.​
Important Emotional Skills
Through their freedoms, interactions and exploration, the Montessori child grows to possess:
Self-awareness, self-regulation and responsible decision-making:
Recognising emotions.
Understanding the links between emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
Managing and controlling emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
The ability to make good choices about your behaviour and interactions with others.
Self-respect and self-esteem:
Hold themselves in high regard and believe they are worthy of being treated well.
Confidence in their own abilities and skills
Autonomy and a sense of agency:
The ability to be self-reliant and self-governed.
The ability to make choices and decisions to influence events and to have an impact on the world.
*This gives a sense of pride, self-worth and control.
Self-motivation, self-evaluation and self-discipline:
The initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without any external influence. The child is driven by their own desires and ambitions.
Children are able to identify their strengths, identify where they need to improve and set goals.
*Plays an essential role in allowing children to become active agents in their own development. More learning occurs and it is more rewarding.
Patience, perseverance and resilience:​
Accept and tolerate adversity without becoming annoyed or anxious​.
Continue in the face of adversity.
Recover quickly from adversity.
Important Social Skills
Important social skills for the 3-6 year old child:
Use of manners
Communication skills
Kindness and positive interactions
Respecting and empathising with others
Accepting diversity and differences of opinion
Following directions
Asking for help and helping others
Participating, cooperating, sharing and turn-taking
Conflict resolution including negotiating and compromising
Being assertive
Acknowledging mistakes
Having a sense of humour
Teaching Social-Emotional Skills
Social-emotional skills can be taught. The earlier they are taught, the better. The best strategies for promoting good social-emotional skills include:
Helping the child to feel loved and cared for.
Positive role modelling.
'Emotional coaching'.
Use of positive discipline strategies.
Providing a consistent, predictable environment.
Promoting independence and freedom within limits.